Lyn Hansen
Lead Pastor
Lyn Hansen has been lead pastor at North Park since 2004. Lyn concedes that he was called into pastoral ministry in his late teens and instead turned away and went into the business world. After college and a career in the transportation industry the calling again “caught up with him” in the late 1980s. Leaving a liberal mainline denomination, God Led Lyn and his family into a Bible teaching church. He soon began preaching and was ordained in 1995. Traveling through this considerable transformation together, Lyn has been married to his amazing wife Sandy since 1980. They have four grown children and seven grandchildren (with one on the way). Lyn serves on the executive board of the Southern Baptist Convention and is on the board of directors for The Spurgeon Baptist Association of Churches. Lyn’s great passion is preaching the Bible accurately and training others to do the same.
Lyn's life verse is 2 Timothy 2:15:
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”
Lyn's life verse is 2 Timothy 2:15:
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”

Ryan Young
Worship & Arts Pastor
Ryan is pastor of worship and arts at North Park. He was born in Portland, OR. Married Ciana on June 1st 2002. Pastor Ryan & Ciana have one son, Briston. Accepting Christ at the age of 19 Pastor Ryan dedicated his life to Him a couple of years later. He started playing the guitar at the age of 18 which led to him using his God Gift to worship at a various of churches. Which included a 2 year period at Morningside Community Church in Southwest Kansas.
From Pastor Ryan:
I came to North Park because of God's calling. For the first time in my life I obeyed God completely without holding back something for myself. As a result my family and I have experienced God's healing and faithfulness in ways hard to express. We have been part of God's loving work of restoring lives and conforming hearts to Christ. That has happened to us here at North Park and we are joining Him in that work.
From Pastor Ryan:
I came to North Park because of God's calling. For the first time in my life I obeyed God completely without holding back something for myself. As a result my family and I have experienced God's healing and faithfulness in ways hard to express. We have been part of God's loving work of restoring lives and conforming hearts to Christ. That has happened to us here at North Park and we are joining Him in that work.

Jason Wheeler
Discipleship Pastor
Pastor Jason is the discipleship pastor at North Park Church. He grew up in Omaha, NE, graduating from Omaha Central in 1993. Jason married Crystal on Jan 9, 2016 and has a son, stepson and stepdaughter with her. He worked all of his adult life in music, graphic design and screenprinting until entering into pastoral studies an North Park Church in 2012. Jason was ordained in 2016.
From Pastor Jason:
In 2011 I was in treatment for the 11th time and God had removed all of my excuses. He was telling me to stay in Columbus and plug in to North Park. I knew absolutely that this was His will for me and, for the first time in my life, I intentionally decided to refuse my own methods of comfort, reject my own worldly understanding of things and trust God. Today I have purpose, I know what peace that surpasses all understanding is, I know Jesus, want to grow in His likeness and want to grow His kingdom.
From Pastor Jason:
In 2011 I was in treatment for the 11th time and God had removed all of my excuses. He was telling me to stay in Columbus and plug in to North Park. I knew absolutely that this was His will for me and, for the first time in my life, I intentionally decided to refuse my own methods of comfort, reject my own worldly understanding of things and trust God. Today I have purpose, I know what peace that surpasses all understanding is, I know Jesus, want to grow in His likeness and want to grow His kingdom.

Clay Anderson
Technical Director
From Clay:
I grew up in rural Nebraska and moved closer to the city in my late teens. I began attending North Park Church in late 2010, and have since grown into my present role as Technical Lead. Along the way, I've witnessed God shepherd and mature myself and my church in tremendous ways. My wife Rebekah and I married in 2015 and have four children. By day (and sometimes by night), I work in the IT profession.
I'm very grateful for the opportunity to serve in my capacity at North Park Church, and more so for having been gifted life in the body of Christ.
I grew up in rural Nebraska and moved closer to the city in my late teens. I began attending North Park Church in late 2010, and have since grown into my present role as Technical Lead. Along the way, I've witnessed God shepherd and mature myself and my church in tremendous ways. My wife Rebekah and I married in 2015 and have four children. By day (and sometimes by night), I work in the IT profession.
I'm very grateful for the opportunity to serve in my capacity at North Park Church, and more so for having been gifted life in the body of Christ.

Jonathan Coffman
Youth Teacher
From Jonathan:
I'm married to my amazing wife Michelle and have four pretty awesome children, Ava, Helaena, Scarlett and Brolin, who all seem to be older than I should be capable of having! I work for a company called Mosaic, providing care for folks with intellectual disabilities. When not working I tend to spend all my time with Michelle and the kids doing stuff with them. We like walks, working out, board games, video games, cartoons and old movies. Among the things we enjoy as hobbies we set our eyes on our home becoming a little church and spend time in God's word together and taking in all the content our pastors provide for our sanctification.
The training in righteousness we get in our church is to be greatly valued, I know for myself I have benefited immensely from consistent counseling, and just having guys trained in the word of God to give godly help. I don't see how a person can grow without it. I can't express how valuable it is to have mature men shepherding in the way God intends.
I'm married to my amazing wife Michelle and have four pretty awesome children, Ava, Helaena, Scarlett and Brolin, who all seem to be older than I should be capable of having! I work for a company called Mosaic, providing care for folks with intellectual disabilities. When not working I tend to spend all my time with Michelle and the kids doing stuff with them. We like walks, working out, board games, video games, cartoons and old movies. Among the things we enjoy as hobbies we set our eyes on our home becoming a little church and spend time in God's word together and taking in all the content our pastors provide for our sanctification.
The training in righteousness we get in our church is to be greatly valued, I know for myself I have benefited immensely from consistent counseling, and just having guys trained in the word of God to give godly help. I don't see how a person can grow without it. I can't express how valuable it is to have mature men shepherding in the way God intends.

Sam Drevo
Newsletter Editor
From Sam:
My name is Sam Drevo. I was born in Columbus but moved to Norfolk when I was seven years old. I lived in the Phoenix area for over 13 years and moved back to Norfolk in 2013. I have worked in property management, the court system, and accounting/bookkeeping.
I currently am the president of Accounting Cents, LLC, an accounting and bookkeeping company. The business started in 2017, and the ownership group is the best! All four business partners are believers, and we have wonderful clients.
I have one daughter, Lauren. She is now attending college. Shannon, my girlfriend and business partner, and I have been attending North Park Church and have been members since 2017. We are both part of the Greeting Ministry at North Park. I am the editor of the church newsletter, and Shannon is also a part of the Finance Ministry.
I have been saved since 2017 and was baptized here at North Park Church that same year. The first Bible verse that I remember was 1 John 1:9, thanks to the help of one of my former neighbors in Columbus.
1 John 1:9 :
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
My name is Sam Drevo. I was born in Columbus but moved to Norfolk when I was seven years old. I lived in the Phoenix area for over 13 years and moved back to Norfolk in 2013. I have worked in property management, the court system, and accounting/bookkeeping.
I currently am the president of Accounting Cents, LLC, an accounting and bookkeeping company. The business started in 2017, and the ownership group is the best! All four business partners are believers, and we have wonderful clients.
I have one daughter, Lauren. She is now attending college. Shannon, my girlfriend and business partner, and I have been attending North Park Church and have been members since 2017. We are both part of the Greeting Ministry at North Park. I am the editor of the church newsletter, and Shannon is also a part of the Finance Ministry.
I have been saved since 2017 and was baptized here at North Park Church that same year. The first Bible verse that I remember was 1 John 1:9, thanks to the help of one of my former neighbors in Columbus.
1 John 1:9 :
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Gregory Johnson
Building & Grounds
From Greg:
Back in 2011 I had come to the end of myself. Knowing I faced trouble from the authorities, I certainly had nothing to look forward to. I lacked self-control, had no character, and lacked good judgment. I really was nobody! After spending time in treatment and by God’s great mercy and grace toward me, I found myself in a place I had never been before on my own accord, North Park Church. Indeed, a place where the Word of God is preached, and people really are transformed. I was married to my wonderful wife Corrin in 2012 and together we have four children, Aubri, Krispin, Eva, and Charlie. In the last year and a half, I have ventured into small business outside of what I have known in manufacturing and began a tree service and sub-contracting work for a rural internet provider. It is hard yet rewarding to be home while my children are young. What I view as fun or enjoyable is I like to work. Any task that presents a challenge I most certainly enjoy. Our down time at home as a family we enjoy riding bikes, now that all are up on two wheels, and hiking in state parks with our dogs.
Today God has provided, where before I was like a desert, a soul always in search of water. God saw it fit to use me in His kingdom to be a member in His body with incredible gifts to serve one another. Galatians 6: 2-3 Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Today I really am nobody. God has shown me He is worth it, and the people of His church are worth every effort. Genuine people I serve inside and outside the church together with my family and the team God has given. A place I love where I am continually being filled with the Holy Spirit.
I depart with one piece of Scripture, 1 John 4:11:
"Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
The best.
Back in 2011 I had come to the end of myself. Knowing I faced trouble from the authorities, I certainly had nothing to look forward to. I lacked self-control, had no character, and lacked good judgment. I really was nobody! After spending time in treatment and by God’s great mercy and grace toward me, I found myself in a place I had never been before on my own accord, North Park Church. Indeed, a place where the Word of God is preached, and people really are transformed. I was married to my wonderful wife Corrin in 2012 and together we have four children, Aubri, Krispin, Eva, and Charlie. In the last year and a half, I have ventured into small business outside of what I have known in manufacturing and began a tree service and sub-contracting work for a rural internet provider. It is hard yet rewarding to be home while my children are young. What I view as fun or enjoyable is I like to work. Any task that presents a challenge I most certainly enjoy. Our down time at home as a family we enjoy riding bikes, now that all are up on two wheels, and hiking in state parks with our dogs.
Today God has provided, where before I was like a desert, a soul always in search of water. God saw it fit to use me in His kingdom to be a member in His body with incredible gifts to serve one another. Galatians 6: 2-3 Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Today I really am nobody. God has shown me He is worth it, and the people of His church are worth every effort. Genuine people I serve inside and outside the church together with my family and the team God has given. A place I love where I am continually being filled with the Holy Spirit.
I depart with one piece of Scripture, 1 John 4:11:
"Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
The best.

Crystal Wheeler
Children's Ministry Lead
From Crystal:
My name is Crystal Wheeler. Several years ago, after spending years of wrecking my own life, Jesus saved me. First and foremost He saved me spiritually, but He also saved my kids and me physically from the wreckage I had gotten us into. (I am so grateful for this because I know this is not always the case.) Since then, Jesus brought us an amazing husband/father to lead our family. I am so grateful for this amazing man! I married Pastor Jason in 2016 and with his help and support was able to finish a bachelor's degree in sociology. I currently work as a disability services specialist for the state of Nebraska.
In my free time I love spending time with my family and coming up with ways to get our three children, Rogan, Sylvia, and Graceon, to hang out with me. With travel and moves I have visited many other churches but always miss "my church." I am so grateful for pastors that are so careful to teach the truth and hold me accountable. It really is a wonderful gift!
My name is Crystal Wheeler. Several years ago, after spending years of wrecking my own life, Jesus saved me. First and foremost He saved me spiritually, but He also saved my kids and me physically from the wreckage I had gotten us into. (I am so grateful for this because I know this is not always the case.) Since then, Jesus brought us an amazing husband/father to lead our family. I am so grateful for this amazing man! I married Pastor Jason in 2016 and with his help and support was able to finish a bachelor's degree in sociology. I currently work as a disability services specialist for the state of Nebraska.
In my free time I love spending time with my family and coming up with ways to get our three children, Rogan, Sylvia, and Graceon, to hang out with me. With travel and moves I have visited many other churches but always miss "my church." I am so grateful for pastors that are so careful to teach the truth and hold me accountable. It really is a wonderful gift!

Ciana Young
Finance Director
Ciana Young is the wife of Pastor Ryan Young. They share a teenage son who is a daily blessing. Ciana works in the world of IT in higher education where she enjoys digging down to the truth of the data, helping people succeed and easing the burden of manual labor with automation. Outside of work she enjoys being outdoors, reading, cooking, and spending time with her family. Over the span of time she has been involved with North Park Church she has been challenged to develop an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ and has grown to have a sincere appreciation for the absolute necessity of teaching that has the Bible as the undiluted foundation.